

20 October 2014
Expedition Challenge Shack3Shack5Shack4 Three groups of Scouts from Apollo and Challenger Troops met the weekend before the expedition (Sat 11 Nov) to plan their journey of exploration from Orton to South Lincolnshire and back. 


On the Saturday morning (Sat 18 Nov) of the expedition weekend, the three groups met at Herlington and travelled by bus and foot to get to Shacklewell Hollow campsite east of Stamford.
Each group took the route that they had planned and were accompanied by a leader as a chaperone.
During their journey each group visited places of interest (all part of their plan) including Peterborough Museum, Stamford Heritage Centre and Rultland Water Information Centre with the objective of gathering information for inclusion in their report back to the troop.

Each group had an evening meal planned and had arranged for the ingredients to be delivered to the campsite. They prepared, cooked, eat and cleared up their meals, which included dough balls, pizza, burgers and potato wedges (all home made!) Hornets joined the Scouts in the kitchen but they were very sleepy due to the time of year and therefore were not a problem.

There was enough time later in the evening for the Scouts to use up whatever energy they had left by playing complicated games outside in the woods in the dark.

After breakfast on Sunday each group left at a different time and took a different route to continue with their Expedition.

One problem that had to be overcome at the planning stage was that the train from Oakham to Peterborough had been replaced over part of its route by a bus. Originally planned timing became impossible and it was only by careful negotiation that a short journey to the station by minibus was arranged.

All three groups took the rail replacement bus and train back to Peterborough and then the service bus back to Herlington to complete their journey.


Photos can be found in the GALLERY or more directly from HERE and HERE.Shack2Shack1