SWAN 70 -Â 3 -11 APRIL 2020
SWAN is an annual week long sailing expedition for Peterborough and invited Scouts from other areas.
Scouts (aged 13 and over) and Explorers (and invited Scouts from other areas) on the Norfolk Broads aboard the finest traditional yachts.
You will be part of a crew of 3 – 5 people in the charge of an experienced skipper permit holder, living aboard your yacht for a whole week. Newcomers start as Galley Boys for their first year and can progress over several years through roles of Senior Galley Boy, Mate, Senior Mate, Skipper and eventually staff to help run the event.
The week starts on a Friday afternoon at Wroxham Scout HQ for final briefings and  crews made up of members from different areas meet up and check their menu and shopping list before bedding down for the night. The main task for Saturday morning is for each crew to buy their weeks grocery shopping from the local supermarket and to load the boats. We set sail Saturday afternoon for a week of adventures using the tides and winds to best advantage to explore the rivers and broads with a different mooring each night. On the last night we all gather in a village hall for presentations, songs and a fish & chip supper. Ask leaders and other members for more details and look out for booking details.
For details of the yachts see:Â
During the winter prior to the event, shore based training will be held (usually 3 Friday night sessions over 3 months) plus a swimming pool session to check swimming ability.
The fee for Swan 70 has not been set yet, it will include food, boat hire and mooring fees. As a guide, SWAN 69 in 2019 cost £275 Transport to and from the Norfolk Broads is organised by home area leaders. For Peterborough and Cambridge the transport contribution will be approximately £15 per person. Financial assistance can be found if needed ; please contact theswanexpedition@gmail.com ASAP. Once you have applied, £50 deposit is required ASAP. If we are overbooked and your application is unsuccessful your £50 deposit will be returned to you. Applications close 31st October 2019.