Group Executive

.The Group Exec is responsible for ensuring that the Scout Group is run on a firm financial footing.We meet approximately every two months. One of our responsibilities is to approve the purchase of Group Equipment, such as tents.We are not involved with appointment of leaders, that is the responsibility of the Group Scout Leader and the Appointments Advisory Committee..

THE PREVIOUS SCOUT COUNCIL AGM :-  was held on Wednesday 8 July 2015. Details can be found HERE.

The next AGM will be held on Sat 30 June 2018

Thurs 29 March 9:30 at 2nd Nene HQ

Thur 31 May 19:30 at 2nd Nene HQ

Thur 6 Sept 19:30 at 2nd Nene HQ
Please use the form below when claiming expenses & attach receipts.Do you incur costs that you never reclaim, such as the petrol costs to get to meetings.
Did you know that if you GIFT AID these expenses then the GROUP can reclaim tax on them.To print THE EXPENSES FORM right click on the files below & open in a NEW TAB/WINDOW
EXPENSES FORMS should be submitted to the GROUP TREASURER


When claiming your fuel costs you can claim either up to 25p/mile (without a receipt) or the actual fuel cost. Please provide a receipt for the fuel used and state the reason for the journey and a start & end location.



Please ensure that you have filled in a GIFT AID FORM and hand it to your Section Leader/Administrator.

The GIFT AID FORM can be found HERE