Scouting – The adventure starts here.

Cambs County
Cambridgeshire Scout websites

Grid Magnetic Angle Calculator  It will calculate the angle between grid north (British National Grid) and magnetic north at a given location.

Hampton Scouting Scouting in the Hamptons – 17th Nene

Holy Trinity Church, Orton Longueville Holy Trinity Church, Orton Longueville, Peterborough ~ a place of worship, peace and sanctuary.

Hunters Yard  website

Knives and Scouting Knives and Scouting

Longthorpe Scouts The 8th Longthorpe Scout Group provides fun, exciting, adventurous, challenging, and educational activities for 6-14 year old girls and boys, in Peterborough.

Nene Park Trust – Peterborough Nene Park stretches for 10 km along the beautiful valley of the River Nene immediately west of Peterborough.

Nikwax How to Waterproof your Coat, Boots, Gloves, trousers, Fleece……..

Norfolk Broads Yatching Co. Information point for the Norfolk Broads Yatching Co.
Peterborough City Council Community information

Peterborough Gang Show  Peterborough Gang Show Website.

PETERBOROUGH SCOUTS The home of Scouting in Peterborough

Scout Shop Scout Shop

Sprogsonline For Scout shirts, Activity Trousers, Belts & Woggles

St Mary’s Church Orton Waterville Peterborough The parish church of St. Mary the Virgin Orton Waterville was founded before the early 12th century by the Waterville family as a private chapel.

SWAN  SWAN Sailing Expedition

Websites Useful websites

Werrington Scouts 48th Peterborough Scout Group

World Wide Scouting Scouting is currently active in 216 countries and territories,