Welcome to the  2nd Nene (St Peters) Scout Group website and a message from our Chief Scout https://fb.watch/vwp-o2PXfX/

Have a look at

  • Our NEWS Section to see what some of the Sections have been doing.
  • For age ranges of Sections see HERE
  • Our meeting locations can be found HERE.
  • How to Join can be found HERE.

2nd Nene is one of the Groups that form Peterborough District.

Peterborough District covers the City of Peterborough including several of the surrounding towns and villages.

The district has 15 groups in locations across Peterborough providing Scouting experiences for those aged 6-14. We have 5 Explorer Units providing Scouting for those aged 14-18.

For locations see https://www.peterboroughscouts.org/our-groups

Around 800 youth members meet weekly in the district, taking take part in a wide range of activities. These young people are supported by an enthusiastic team of approximately 400 leaders and supporters who work together to ensure Scouting is both challenging and fun for the young people and adults alike.

The age ranges for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts can be found HERE.

We believe in helping our Members fulfill their potential by working in teams, learning by doing and thinking for themselves. We’re working to make Scouting available to all and we’re passionate about what we do..

Through the adventure of Scouting, young people get to take risks in a safe environment, and have their first taste of responsibility. We give young people experiences they will never forget. The sort of adventure Scouting offers is the chance to experience something different and the opportunity to challenge yourself.

When a Beaver Scout wakes up the morning after a sleepover, or Cub Scout has just got over her fear of heights by completing her first abseil that is adventure..

In Scouting, we provide over 200 activities from abseiling to zorbing (that falling out of the sky in a foam ball in case you were wondering). If we don’t have an instructor who can help we can normally find someone who can. But Scouting isn’t just about activities for their own sake. We encourage our young people to feel the buzz of the challenge and then reflect on what that means. Did they have fun? Do they feel more confident? Would they do it again?.

Nationally all this is made possible by the efforts of 100,000 voluntary adult leaders. With award winning training and one-to-one support, we make sure that each one of our volunteers gets to make best use of their skills and talents. It’s something different from the norm, and that why a lot of people like it. In fact, it’s what’s made us the largest co-educational youth Movement in the country.

For the location of the HQ and details of where our meetings take place see HERE.

The easiest way to find something on the website is to use the “Search ” box at the top left hand corner of this page.

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