Challenger Troop
Scouts is aimed at girls and boys aged 10.5 to 14 We meet on most Thursday evenings from 7:15pm–until 9:pm at Skip Clements Scout Headquarters (depending on program) If you want any more information on HOW TO JOIN please use Contact Us at the top of the page. See the HOME page for a location map. 2nd Nene Scout Group has two Troops CHALLENGER and APOLLO. For more information on APOLLO CLICK HERE. Challenger Scout Troop re-opened after a number of years ‘grounded’ due to rising numbers and lack of space at the Apollo Section, and now has four patrols with Cubs moving up and new members with no prior Scouting involvement. Our Leaders have been involved in Scouting for a number of years. We are Air Scouts. Our programme is similar to ‘normal’ Scouts. We have our own Troop identity and our own Programme. The Patrol names are chosen by the Scouts and they are TIGER, LION, REINDEER and VICIOUS OTTER. Challenger Troop runs a separate programme including events and camps. We are a very friendly Troop and often invite other Scout Groups and their members to attend these. Newcomers wishing to join Scouting, or transfer from another Scout Group please use Contact us above or contact the Section Leader (see below) We actively encourage parent support and help at meetings and events, should you wish take an active role, or wish to share an experience, hobby or skill. Please contact a Leader for more information.