
The 2nd Nene has one Cub Scout Pack,  Kingfisher .

What are Cubs Scouts?Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10½ years old. Easily distinguished by their dark green sweatshirt and Group Scarf, they form the largest Section of Scouting in the UK.Baden-Powell’s originally intended Scouting should be for boys aged 11 to 18. But seeing the fun and adventure older brothers and friends were having as Scouts, younger boys began asking to join too. The physical development and interests of boys differ considerably over and under the age of 11, and Baden-Powell saw training must be designed on quite separate although complementary lines. In 1914 ‘Junior Scouts’ were announced and in 1916, they became ‘Wolf Cubs’.

There are over 100,000 Cubs in the UK.

How to Join – See HERE


See the  Navigation pane at the top of this page for the meeting location of the two packs.

2nd Nene Cubs and Peterborough United

Peterborough United defender Shane Blackett dropped in on a Beavers and Cubs meeting 24 September to hand out certificates and badges.
The Cubs & Beavers had been taking part in activities and events to gain their Health and Fitness and their Healthy Eating badges and were delighted that Shane could go down to the hall to present them with their badges.
Each Beaver received a certificate as well as their badges.
This also earned the young Cubs and Beavers their “meet someone from the community” badge.
Our other assistants cubs / scout also had a thank you certificate.
All credit to Mang for her work in producing a surprise for the Muskrat Beavers.
Shane talked about the type of food and exercise regime he has to undertake for his sport. He also plays golf.

2nd Nene Cubs on the Radio
Jane Smith’s Saturday Breakfast, on Radio Cambridgeshire. The media files are hosted on Google Documents and kindly provided by the BBC.Download Link
N.B The file is 3.36 MB which will take a little while to download