SWAN 74 -Â 29 March – 6 April 2024
Swan is an annual week-long sailing expedition on the Norfolk Broads. Open to members of the Scout Association aged 13 and over on 29th March 2024 As part of a three to five person crew you will learn everything about sailing a traditional Broads cabin yacht. Progress year-by-year to become a Swan skipper! The fee for Swan 74 is £340; this includes food, boat hire and mooring fees. Transport to and from the Norfolk Broads is organised by home area leaders. For Peterborough and Cambridge the transport contribution is £20 per person. Financial assistance is available. Once the booking form is completed details will be provided. To book your place please complete the form below. Your booking will be acknowledged and details of how to pay the £100 deposit will be provided. BOOK NOW. If we are overbooked and your application is unsuccessful you will be notified and your deposit will be returned to you by 1december 2023. Applications close 1st October 2023. There is a Facebook page with more details.